MotherTouch Maryland
an integrated and holistic approach that incorporates intuitive Health and Wellness Coaching,Conscious conception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum, Craniosacral Therapy, Holistic Massage, chakra clearing and balancing, Sound facilitation and healing,EFT, and spiritual/lineage healing that helps to clear blocks and patterns from the mental, emotional, energetic, and physical bodies, supporting a more conscious, empowered, Easier pregnancy, birth, baby, and postpartum experience.
I work with women and couples both virtually and in person to support conscious creation, whether you are birthing a child or your life’s mission. You are a beautiful orchestration of the mind, body, heart, and soul, and all need to be supported and aligned for conscious creation to occur. What you eat, think, feel, and choose to do or not do MATTERS. ALL of you matters! I am a Lighthouse for women seeking to live a liberated, empowered and conscious life on purpose!